Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Triumphant Return!

If you do listen to the show each week, you might pick-up on my excitement about the TRIUMPH reunion tour this year. Although details have yet to be announced, I am told that some info is expected soon. Cannot wait! We will definitely be doing an "evolution" tribute to the trio (much like we did for VAN HALEN and RUSH) this spring.

I also found out something that you TRIUMPH music collectors should know about the song "Tunnel Power". This song has been listed in a reputable rock music chart reference book as available only the cassette release of "Never Surrender" in 1983. In my pursuit of this song through the bands management team, I found out there was never a song with this title available by the band in any form. WHAT! I have been trying to chase down this song for the past 10 years!!

Just goes to show you that you can't believe everything you read...even if it's in a book that should be trusted for it's "accurate" information. I'll never look at the dictionary the same way again!



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